Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I've started a new 40 day focus; this time its on money. What a fabulous topic to work with! After the first day I found myself absolutely overflowing with joy and love. Spending a few minutes of intense, loving attention on those places where unresolved memories have been abiding a few times a days makes a world of difference in all aspects of my life.

I was having a conversation with one of the participants of this 40 day focus a couple of days after we started. There was a request for some clarification and as I was talking about how essential it was to go through the feelings to dismantle the beliefs and that for every 5 minutes of painful memories I got to enjoy 5000 minutes of greater joy, well-being and expansiveness. The response was something like, 'That sounds like a pretty good return on your investment.' That's it! What a great way to express the benefit of using this process. For every moment of loving attention I bring to unresolved painful memories while taking apart the beliefs and assumptions that are associated with them I get a huge return on investment.

Investing you loving time and attention in those places within where there has been a deficit is  so much greater than any financial investment you could ever make that it's beyond compare. It's one of those you have to try to get it. No amount of speculation and thinking about it will give you the returns; you just have to dive in and do it.


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